
Expensive Robot Vacuum Cleaners

The market of robot vacuum cleaners is becoming more and more mature day by day. And more and more types of vacuum cleaners show up in the market. And of course the prices are quite different. You may curious about the question that what kind of robot vacuum cleaner is expensive and why. This article will satisfy you.

The Electrolux Trilobite robot vacuum cleaner is now updated to the Trilobite 2.0. It promises over 200 small improvements from the first version. At $1800, price is apparently not one of the improvements. What makes the people at Electrolux confident in charging that kind of money for their robot is the superior technology to the less expensive Roomba models.

Trilobite is a robotic vacuum cleaner that actually uses ultrasound technology to avoid bumping into objects. Much like a bat, it sends out radar beams that let it know it is coming close to an object. It stops within about 1/4-inch of the object.

The cheaper robotic vacuum cleaners know they are coming close to an object only when they actually bump into the object. This could damage furniture over time and is a bit inconvenient for pet water bowls and other objects that might create a mess if bumped. This radar technology also allows the Trilobite to create a map of the room so it knows the places it has already vacuumed. This allows it to make fewer passes over the same area.

The other changes that Electrolux has made to the Trilobite take the good features of the Roomba and add them to the superior technology of the Trilobite. It now has infrared to avoid falling down stairs and can be programmed to schedule cleanings. So, is the Electrolux worth the extra money? It’s definitely worth paying more, but whether to pay so much more depends on your situation.

The superior mapping technology does make the unit clean faster, which might not seem all that important since you’re not doing the cleaning yourself. It does matter, however, when you have a limited time to work with due to battery time. The Trilobite does have a shorter charge time than the Roomba, but the Roomba is simply randomly passing across your floor, often hitting the same spot five or six times. This means that the shorter charge might end up actually cleaning more floor space because it is a more organized cleaning. Depending on the size of your rooms, the Trilobite can generally clean more rooms in less time due to its “smarter” and more efficient mapping.

The Trilobite is also more likely to “spit things out” if it accidentally sucks up rug fringe or other obstacles. This means it is less likely to get stuck and need to be rescued than the Roomba in such cases.

If you have antique or delicate furniture, you might appreciate the Trilobite not bumping into your furniture legs like the less expensive Roomba does to figure out where things are. The Roomba has a bumper, but over time, it might cause scuffs or dents in delicate furniture.

