
Prince of Denmark and "modern fairy tale kingdom" on National Pavilion Day

Drizzle, the "Fairy Kingdom" ushered in the State of Denmark on the 29th day, the museum. Danish Crown Prince Frederick and his party's visit, the World expo Museum Day adds a bit of romantic color.

Prince Frederick, said at the opening ceremony, this year is the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Denmark and China, therefore, Denmark specifically to David, "The Little Mermaid" statue transported thousands of miles to the Shanghai World Expo, which is "The Little Mermaid" was born a hundred years for the first time to leave their homeland, one of Denmark issued the invitation to further deepen the bilateral cultural exchanges.

He said the 2010 Shanghai World Expo is one of Denmark's most ambitious in the history of the World Expo tour. The Government of Denmark, the company actively involved, to provide the world the latest and most detailed information on Denmark. Museum in Denmark, you can see them on the "City, Better Life," a unique interpretation of how to construct a well-being and sustainable development of the "modern fairy tale world."

Founded in 1924 in Copenhagen, Denmark Royal choir also sang nursery rhymes and taken from the Danish Hans Christian Andersen's songs.

Subsequently, the Crown Prince and his entourage of 18 officials in Shanghai, visited the China Pavilion, the Danish Pavilion. The staff of the Prince listened to his "favorite" - "Little Mermaid" in the Shanghai World Expo life. He also issued a famous Chinese translator Shiqin E of "Knight of the flag" (Order of Dannebrog), in recognition of this will be a large number of Danish literature translated to Chinese readers of Scandinavian literature specialist.

Odense City is the hometown of the famous fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen.Day gathering of young artists from Denmark here, dressed as "Anderson" and his characters, loved by the "Little Mermaid" and "The Princess" and other roles, attracted visitors eager pictures taken.

