
To Make Your Jewely Cleaning All the Time

You’d be chagrined at what your jewelry appraiser sees through the microscope. Soap scum, grease, garden dirt, skin cells, little hairs and living flora and fauna will collect in crevasses and pack themselves into the pockets beneath gemstones unless the owner carries out a disciplined cleaning program.

Jewelry cleaner cleaning:Department stores and mail-order catalogs sell small jewelry cleaner for home use. These are gentler than the powerful ultrasonic cleaners used by jewelers and can be safely used for diamonds and all faceted colored stones. They are usually safe for emeralds (that might be filled with oil) if left in for only a few minutes. They are also good for chains and other gold jewelry. Use water or the clening solution sold with the cleaner. Never put ammonia in a sonic or jewlery cleaner, as the heat will create toxic fumes.

•Take off any jewelry when working in the kitchen, garden, or cleaning.

•Use a safe environment:Guard against losing a stone during the cleaning. Often, especially on jewelry that has been worn a lot, or pieces with very lightweight settings, the build-up of grime may actually be all that is keeping a stone in its setting! Cleaning off the grime could dislodge the stone. While this would be inconvenient, it is a lot better than having the stone fall out in an uncontrolled environment. Carry out the cleaning in a small bowl, and check carefully for missing stones before pouring out the solution.

•Apply makeup and cosmetics prior to putting on your jewelry. Chemicals in these substances can often harm the look of your gold and damage pearls.

•Wipe with a damp cloth:Use this method for the most delicate jewelry. It can also be used to gently clean most jewelry. Dampen a soft flannel cloth with warm water and wipe the jewelry. Use this method for cleaning pearl strands, amber, jet, ivory and other delicate organic gems.

•Fine jewelry items should not be worn while engaged in activities where they would be subject to any form of brushing or hard contact. A strong blow from the side could dislodge a gemstone from its mounting. If you decide to wear your jewelry while gardening, please exercise caution.

•For a slightly more intense cleaning, clean gently with warm soapy water:Soak jewelry for a few minutes in a small bowl of warm water with a little dishwashing liquid added. You might brush gently, using a soft facial brush or a cosmetic brush such as used to apply eye shadow. This would be a good method for cleaning a pearl ring and jewelry set with turquoise, lapis lazuli, malachite, coral, and similar stones.

